Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Game Time!

Shotgun Opener started last Saturday for deer hunters! I enjoy going out hunting, not so much to eat deer meat, but more for the entertainment of being with my dad for a couple of weekends. I do like deer meat, don't get me wrong, but when you have a whole freezer full with beef sticks and sausage for a whole year, it gets old. I saw a lot of does this past weekend, some pretty big ones too! And, you all know how hot it was also. People say that deer do not move when it's hot out, but I sure have seen a lot of deer and it was 75 degrees one afternoon where I was hunting! I had to take off two layers and my boots on Saturday, because it was too hot for me! That is that kind of hunting I enjoy, because I am a huge baby when it comes to the cold. I am anxious for this weekend !

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